Gudai-Darri MO In-Pit Crib Ablutions
With the successful completion of the 2024 Bina Bina Crib Facilities Project, Rio Tinto – Sustaining Capital, awarded Byblos the contract of the GD MO In-Pit Crib Ablutions project. This project involves the construction of new ablution facilities within the Gudai-Darri mine pit located in Western Australia.
The goal of this project is to provide improved sanitary conditions for the workers operating in the pit, ensuring their health and comfort during their shifts. This initiative is crucial as it directly impacts the well-being and productivity of the workforce.
The scope of work encompasses the supply and installation of various essential infrastructures at the Kara In-Pit Facilities location. This includes the construction of a 50-person crib room, which will be equipped with kitchen amenities and an airlock to maintain a clean environment. Additionally, the project will integrate ablution facilities for male, female, and unisex use into the new crib room. A septic wastewater tank, complete with pump packages, will be installed to manage waste efficiently.
The existing crib room will be refurbished and repurposed for the dry storage of equipment. Furthermore, the project involves all necessary earthworks, civil works, electrical connections, and potable water and wastewater tie-ins required to install and commission the new buildings and services. The integration of fire protection, communications, and telemetry equipment into the sitewide network will ensure the safety and connectivity of the facilities.